Tighter restrictions and growing objections to foreign adoptions have left many special needs orphans without homes in China but one Australian couple isn’t letting those obstacles stand in their way.

Dr. Joyce Hill and her husband Robin left the comforts of their country to undertake a mission to bring healing and love to these precious children.

These children are special as most of them were born with various physical challenges such as heart failure, blindness and lung disease.

Some parents end up abandoning their own children because they cannot afford the medical expense required to treat their kids.

According to a recent report, there are as many as 50,000 special needs orphans in china and roughly 600,000 orphans nationwide. Some groups put the nationwide number at closer to one million.

Dr. Hill is a family medical practitioner. She and her husband Robin have lived in China for 20 years.

On their first trip to the country they encountered abandoned babies at a local orphanage. That is when God gave them a special mission.

“I picked a baby up, and the child may be three or four years old.  And the kid pointed to the window. I was not sure what the child meant. I felt like they were telling me ‘take me out of here.’ It really broke my heart,” Robin explained. “We said a prayer at the gate and told  the Lord we don’t want to go back unless we could do something about this place.”

In November 2002, the Hills used their savings to start the New Hope Foundation. They only thing they had left was their faith.

“My wife said to me that I think God really wanted us to get into the river,” Robin said. “I have no clue where we will end up. We will build a foster home and we will look after the sick babies.”

Their financial support soon came from friends and other donors and by 2015, they had collected a total of five billion dollars. They opened up two more orphanages in the cities of He Nan and Luo Yang.

“The scripture really impressed me the most at that moment was unless the seed fell onto the ground and dies, it is not gonna bear fruit,” Robin added. “It is like God is saying the same thing. What we started was little, and it would bear fruit. And it did!”

Christians regularly travel from other nations to provide additional help to the ministry.

“We are excited to be part of this ministry,” a staff member at Trinity Christian Academy explained. “I think it is important as a body of Christ to involved with orphan’s care and I hope our students catch a vision for that while we are here.”

The Hills believe faith and obedience to the Lord are crucial to their ministry.

“God provided for us,” Robin said. “He did it over and over again. Sometimes, He provided more than we need.”

Besides healing those innocent lives, the Hills also find opportunities to minister to their staff. Eventually, they also joined the Christian family, Like their former atheist office assistant, Qu Guang.

“Robin and Joyce always talked to me about God’s unconditional love,” Guang said. “I never knew what it meant and why they helped those kids with their own money. Now I am a Christian and I know it was Jesus who brought us all together.”

China recently adopted a new law regulating international non-government organizations within large cities.

Some NGO’s focused on science, health, and the environment halted their projects. They worried future resources would be slimmer.

However, the Hills are still going strong, believing, that God is not finished with them.

“We see tremendous changes and tremendous improvement,” Robin said. “God has a plan, God has the plan for us… and we believe that!”