The World’s most travelled man Fred Finn has endorsed Kenya as ready for tourism businesses amidst the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Finn said that although there was restricted movement globally due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, he was glad to have travelled to Kenya and commended the protocols undertaken to prevent visitors from contracting the virus.

He added that he was impressed with the measures and protocols taken to ensure visitor safety while in Kenya, from the airport, to the parks and the hotels and encouraged visitors to travel to Kenya.

Out of all the countries that Fred has visited, Kenya is his favorite destination having made over 600 trips into the country so far.

Since his first flight in 1958, Fred has flown north of 24 million kilometres and has visited more than 150 different countries. In 1983, he was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records for having flown more air miles than any other passenger in history. Since then, no-one has come close to matching this incredible feat and he has more than doubled his tally over the last 37 years.

Speaking after a game drive at the Nairobi National Park where he was joined by the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) CEO, Dr Betty Radier, Finn expressed his love for Kenya for its great hospitality, diversity and uniqueness.

“It’s easy to love Kenya because there is just so much that one can get to enjoy when here. I enjoy making friends here, seeing the amazing wildlife, the food which makes me want to visit repeatedly. I have travelled for many years and cannot think of any other destination that gives me greater satisfaction than Kenya,” he said.

On her part, Dr Radier said Fred’s endorsement of the destination is particularly important because he has experienced the destination multiple times.

“Having the most travelled man endorse the destination is an important thing because it shows that Kenya has something to offer every traveler. He speaks from a point of knowledge on the destination and we are also grateful to him for always choosing Kenya”, Dr. Radier said.

Other of his extraordinary achievements include having flown across the Atlantic more than 2,000 times, 718 journeys on Concorde and flying between London and New York three times on the same day.