Christian author Janet Mwisa has commended renowned Christian radio presenter Amani Ayila in her book ‘ The Nurture Riddle: Out of the child came forth parenting. Out of the student came forth teaching’.

The book which gives practical Christian teachings on how to train a child in the Word of God was published in 2018 by Mwisa who describes herself as passionate about training children in God’s Word. Mwisa has served in the children’s Ministry at the International Christian Centre in Nairobi, Kenya and is a speaker and a trainer.

In her prologue, Mwisa begins by acknowledging the “Shangilia” show presenter Amani Ayila, describing him as “an energetic and vibrant presenter who engages very well with the listener, whom he calls “team kubwa” (big team), in impressive, fluent Swahili”.

She then points out a brand statement that Amani is known for, as he starts his show, that without the Holy Spirit, it is all meanignless.This is the statement that resonates strongly with Mwisa as she explains that her book has been birthed out of the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of her life.

In the seven chapters of her easy to read book, Mwisa narrates her story on how after conversion, she set about finding her purpose and service in God’s Vineyard.Her book takes a practical prose, as she pauses after each chapter to ask the reader applicable questions that emerge. She delves to ask both parents and teachers important emerging aspects in the questions that the 7 chapters in her book attempt to discuss.

The foreword of the book is penned by Anne Okello and Dina Kitoto, who both hail Mwisa for investing in children and yielding to the instruction of the Holy Spirit in the simple yet deep and practical guide.