Uasin Gishu County Assembly has decided to abstain from taking a vote on whether to support or reject the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2021, also referred to as BBI Bill. The County assembly is also the last one to make a decision on the bill.
This is after a majority of the MCAs voted in favor of a report by the Committee on Delegated Legislation which recommended the assembly not to vote .The report prepared after public participation forums across the county noted that the assembly’s vote would have no effect on the Bill as it has already been tabled in Parliament.
The assembly session was chaired by speaker David Kiplagat who said the Members of the County Assembly (MCA’s) had the right to abstain on the matter.
When voting on the report, 27 MCA’s supported the move to abstain, while 17 were against abstaining. Uasin Gishu County Assembly was the only one remaining to dispense off the Bill that has since been supported by 43 County Assemblies.
The MCA’s at the assembly unanimously argued that it was unnecessary for them to take a decision on the BBI and instead they would let Kenyans decide if it’s taken to the referendum.
Three County Assemblies of Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and Nandi rejected the bill which among others seeks to increase number if constituencies, introduce the position of Prime Minister and two deputies, introduce the official leader of opposition as well as increase allocation to counties to at least 35 percent.