Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has turned a year older, with Kenyans on social media showering him with birthday messages. The ODM leader has turned 76, as Netizens used #HappyBirthdayRaila to pass messages of goodwill.
Leaders from across the political divide, prominent personalities, friends and supporters wished him good health and happy life ahead.
The Opposition leader in 2018 threw a posh party at his Nyali home, where president Kenyatta also attended. It’s not yet clear where he will celebrate his birthday this year though.
In a tweet, the ODM Party praised him as a wonderful leader.
“To our Party Leader @RailaOdinga, we are proud to be a part of your special day. May you be blessed with many more. You are a wonderful leader to the world of yesterday, today and the future. We thank God for making you the type of person you are today,” the party tweeted.
Raila Odinga was born at the Anglican Church Missionary Society Hospital in Maseno, Kisumu District,Nyanza Province on 7th January 1945 to Mary Ajuma Odinga and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.