All is set for the consecration of the third bishop of the Christ is the answer ministries CITAM Rev. Calisto Odede tomorrow.
This is the culmination of an almost a yearlong transition journey after the out-going presiding bishop Rev Dr. David Oginde’s 10 years term draws to a conclusion.
Tomorrows event will be the climax of the transition period that started in April this year when the incoming presiding Bishop Rev. Odede was nominated to succeed bishop Oginde.
Rev. Calisto Odede was ratified as the third bishop of the Christ is the answer ministries during the Annual General Meeting last month.
Normally the event is attended by thousands of faithful but due to COVID-19 restrictions it will be attended by a regulated crowd of persons with the rest following the event online.
Tomorrow’s event will be held at CITAM Karen from 10 AM and will be broadcast live on Hope FM and Hope TV. President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected at the consencration.